Turf-Type Tall Fescue Varieties
Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is a very deep rooted, cool-season perennial grass. • The newest improved varieties possess a rich dark green color, are uniform in leaf blade size and texture, and mow well. • Good tolerance for cold, heat, drought and shade, making it an attractive variety that is great for improving lawn resilience and durability. • Will grow vigorously in spring and fall • Germinates in 10-14 days. • Tall Fescue is the largest cool-season grass seed in production and is grown extensively on sod farms and home lawns across the USA. • Jonathan Green’s best varieties are brand named: Black Beauty

Kentucky & Texas Hybrid Bluegrass Varieties
Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa Pratensis) is a beautiful medium to dark green grass with a boat-shaped leaf tip. • Spreads via underground stems (known as rhizomes) forming a dense, thick turf. • Can recover quickly from damage making it good for athletic fields. • Will go dormant in extreme drought but will typically recover when it rains again • Germinates in 21 days. • It is planted on sod farms and home lawns in all regions of the northern USA. • Jonathan Green’s best varieties are brand named: Blue Panther
Texas Hybrid Bluegrass has the appearance of KBG with the ability to withstand higher temperatures and extended drought without going dormant. • Can use less water than other cool-season species while maintaining their green color.

Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is one of the toughest and most traffic tolerant turf covers that can be grown. • It is known for its fast germination, quick establishment, shiny green leaf color, fine texture (in newer turf type varieties) and ability to form a dense sod. • Germinates in 7 to 10 days. • Perennial Ryegrass is usually the second biggest seed variety grown in the grass seed production fields in Oregon. • Jonathan Green’s best varieties are brand named: New Frontier

Grasses with the finest leaves, most shade tolerance and lowest fertilizer and moisture requirements of all cool seasons turfgrasses • Very adaptable and durable varieties, known for high tolerance for extreme conditions • Low maintenance for feeding, water, and mowing • Germinates in 10 to 14 days • The fine fescue family is composed of creeping red fescue, chewing fescues and hard fescues. • Jonathan Green’s best varieties are brand named: Flying Eagle